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More info on the SISC Calculator...

SISC Stewardship Calculator 2.0, is powered by CropTrak

This on-Farm Sustainability Calculator Enables Growers, Tier One Suppliers, and Brands to Collaborate on Sustainability Across Specialty Crop Supply Chains.


The Stewardship Calculator empowers growers, packer shippers, processors, grower groups, brands, and retailers at every stage in their sustainability journey to baseline the environmental impacts of fruit, nut, or vegetable production, then identify and track opportunities for continuous improvement. 


Based on input from growers, environmental NGOs and buyers, Stewardship Index for Specialty Crops metrics exist to provide a single third-party validator to sustainability measurements that can be communicated transparently among peer groups and supply chain partners.


The Stewardship Calculator 2.0 on Croptrak includes updates to key metrics and easy-to-use, efficient workflows to improve the overall user experience. It can be used to track on-farm water, energy/GHG, fertilizer use efficiency and soil organic matter, as well as biodiversity, food loss/waste and irrigation efficiency. These SISC metrics help inform sustainability reporting as well as to improve production plans and sustainability management practices.


  • No cost for growers to use.

  • Aggregators pay a very low tiered use fee (lowest compared to all other platforms), & gain access to backend functionality to connect with suppliers, request they calculate metrics, receive responses, aggregate results, create reports in a variety of formats, send reports back to producers as well as aggregated results up to buyers.

  • API will be available at cost recovery basis for Ag software companies, contact us for info.


How it works for growers: Free for growers, this online tool helps growers voluntarily and securely collect, manage, and analyze data to see how their management choices impact natural resources and operational efficiency. Dashboards to view metric results year over year to track improvements as management changes happen on the ground. 


Growers can find out more, and sign up to use the calculator here.


How it works for aggregators: Packer shippers, processors, brands, buyers, and grower groups  can use this Stewardship Calculator 2.0 to help growers improve sustainability practices, while offering supply chain partners a way to track important sustainability metrics to support overall sustainability goals for your organization, industry or supply chain. Offered to aggregators at extremely low rates to support SISC’s mission of creating and supporting a single yardstick for the industry to use.


Aggregators can find out more, and contact us to sign up here.


The Stewardship Calculator provides supply chain partners with a connected, easy to use online tool to baseline and track sustainability as they collaborate to improve management practices over time.


Grower Groups

• Save time and resources by using the specialty crop industry’s most accepted sustainability framework, reducing survey fatigue and duplication of effort for growers

• Assess environmental performance of your industry management practices, identify natural resource management issues and trends, and connect your growers with solutions

• Tell your industry success stories of greater stewardship to the public and buyers – backed by real data



• Benefit from industry alignment around a common sustainability framework to support supply chain sustainability collaboration

• Engage upstream suppliers to deliver sustained improvements in key environmental outcomes



• Utilize an industry-aligned framework developed by leading NGOs, buyers, growers, and grower groups to support more sustainable supply chains

• Partner with suppliers to advance continuous improvement in agricultural sustainability at field and landscape levels


Important Note:

·    SISC is envisioned as a set of metrics that can be communicated among peer groups and along the supply chain. But the metrics can also be used independently to capture and understand performance within a single company or farm. In this Calculator, entering information—regardless of its intended use—is referred to as "reporting." None of the information entered here will be shared with anyone unless you actively choose to do so. "Reporting" simply refers to data that must be captured to calculate the metrics.


Here's a short Introduction Video to learn a bit more about the SISC Stewardship Calculator.


And, if you’d like a deeper dive into exactly how the calculator works, we have this Step by Step Walk Through Video.  


And, here is a 2 page overview on the calculator which you can download to share with your team.



Find out more about how SISC and CropTrak offer support to users of the Calculator.



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 SISC is a fiscally sponsored project of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs 

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