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Our Metric Development Process

Each of the SISC Working Metrics was developed using a process that included signficant scrutiny. This diagram provides an overview of the Metric Development Process.












In short, each metric has been:

  • developed with input from an open Metrics Review Committee working group;

  • approved for pilot by the Coordinating Council; 

  • piloted across diverse types of specialty crop systems;

  • reviewed by peer reviewers; 

  • revised according to the technical review for those aspects which fit the metrics scope and intent;  

  • evaluated for recommendations of aspects to include in future versions; and,

  • posted publicly for a 30-day comment period.


It is important to note that the metrics are expected to evolve as both their use and the science behind them helps inform revisions.


Metrics Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC)

The MTAC is comprised of six members of the Coordinating Council (CC). The MTAC supports the CC as it reviews pilot results for each metric, making recommendations to approve, refine or reject a piloted metric. It MTAC also facilitates a public comment period of at least 30 days prior to any metric being finalized. Feedback received during the public comment period is considered by both the MTAC and individual metric coordinators (see also: Metrics Review Committee, below). Finally, the MTAC is responsible for ongoing metric validity; every three years, or as science dictates, the MTAC will initiate a scientific review of the metrics.


Metrics Review Committee (MRC)

Since SISC was founded, the MRC has been comprised of individuals who wish to help develop metrics and/or to monitor the metrics development process. A metric coordinator leads active committee members through a comprehensive review process.


MRC activity is currently ongoing for two metrics in development: Soil Emissions in collaboration 

with CO State and COMET, and updating Soil Health metrics with the Soil Health Institute.



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