SISC Calculator for Aggregators
SISC provides access to the aggregator functionalities of the SISC Calculator to any organization looking to collaborate with growers to measure to manage, and achive continual improvement on the ground.
Most aggregators are brands, buyers, CPG’s, packer-shippers, processors, and distributors – as well as industry and grower groups.
Aggregator accounts allow your organization to use the calculator to:
Request your growers calculate specific metrics for specific crops,
See which growers have completed the request, and which are outstanding,
Receive metric results for specific crops,
Aggregate metric results using a variety of filters, including crop type, region and metric,
Easily translate aggregated metric results into TSC KPI results (the format WM’s Sustainability Index reporting requests),
View metric results in a wide variety of reporting and dashboard options,
Create helpful reports to send back to growers – for instance, where one growers metric results are highlighted compared to their anonymized peers,
Accumulate and track year over year metric results, by grower, by region, by crop type,
Each paying aggregator will be able to select one person within your organization to be trained as the trainer to provide support to all your users.
Here's an Overview Video for how the SISC Calculator works for aggregators.
Aggregator Fees
SISC has broken the fee model down into two categories, one for businesses and a second specifically to provide the use of this aggregator functionality at an extremely low cost to grower groups. Grower groups like Western Growers Association, the CA Walnut Commission, and the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association can use this calculator to support their members to improve natural resource management practices on the ground. SISC sees huge potential to support growers moves towards sustainable and regenerative practices when supported by their grower group – which is why grower group user fees are extremely low here.
Aggregator Fees (annual)
Businesses (by revenue) SISC Members * Non-Members
Corporate, over 1B $6,000. $7,000.
Large, 101M-1B $4,250. $5,250.
Medium, 51-100M $3,225. $4,225.
Small, 50M and under 50M $2100. $3100.
Grower Groups (by # of growers)
Top (over 1,000) $3,000. $4,000.
2nd Top (600-999) $2,000. $3,000.
Middle (400-599) $1,500. $2,500.
Smallest (below 400) $1000. $2000.​​
*You do not need to be a member of SISC to use the SISC Calculator – but, your welcome to join SISC and participate in leading the food industry towards greater sustainability. SISC is a member based, collaborative organization. We welcome organizations from across the food industry to join the Coordinating Council and become voting members of our multi-stakeholder process for developing SISC metrics and supporting their implementation.
Find out more about becoming a member of SISC here.
SISC also has an Affiliate Membership (non-voting) option available for ag-software and ag-input companies to support SISC projects and connect to the SISC Calculator API.
Here's a short Intro Video to learn a bit more about the SISC Stewardship Calculator.
And, if you’d like a deeper dive into exactly how the calculator works for growers, we have this Step by Step Walk Through Video.
Find out more about how SISC and CropTrak offer support to users of the Calculator.