New SISC Stewardship Calculator on SupplyShift Coming Mid-Feb 2020
Measure and improve your sustainability performance across specialty crop supply chains. The SISC Metric Calculator helps growers, grower groups, handlers, processors, brands, and retailers collect, aggregate, analyze, and share specialty crop data at any tier of the supply chain.
Measure and improve your sustainability performance across specialty crop supply chains. The SISC Metric Calculator helps growers, grower groups, handlers, processors, brands, and retailers collect, aggregate, analyze, and share specialty crop data at any tier of the supply chain. Identify management efficiencies, advance stewardship The SISC Stewardship Calculator empowers growers, packer shippers, grower groups, brands, and retailers at every stage in their sustainability journey to baseline the environmental impacts of fruit, nut, or vegetable production and identify opportunities for continuous improvement. On the farm or across supply chains, The SISC Stewardship Calculator provides actionable insights to support your sustainability journey. This cloud-based tool is available at no cost for growers to voluntarily and securely collect, manage, and analyze data to see how their management choices impact natural resources and operational efficiency. Grower groups, brands, buyers, handlers, and processors can use The SISC Stewardship Calculator to help their specialty crop growers advance stewardship while offering supply chain partners stewardship metrics to support sustainability goals. The SISC Stewardship Calculator makes it easier to understand where performance improvements can be made so that you can spend your time making productive changes to your operation. How it Works For Growers Securely use the SISC Stewardship Calculator as an on-farm management tool: input your on-farm data and automatically calculate your metric outputs. Create a baseline and easily track efficiency improvements for a range of sustainability indicators as you make changes to your management practices. Use your metrics to create a baseline of your stewardship and track year-over-year improvements to your sustainability performance. Easily submit your metrics to your customers when they request them. Learn more > For Aggregators Retailers, brands, handlers, processors, and grower groups can leverage SISC’s standardized, science-based sustainability metrics to support growers in achieving greater natural resource stewardship on the ground. The SISC Stewardship Calculator allows aggregators to track on-farm sustainability performance across entire specialty crop supply chains. Collect and analyze data from any grower using one platform. Easily generate reports and dashboards to gain insight into your stewardship progress. Please contact SISC director Alison Edwards at aedwards@stewardshipindex.org with questions or request a demo from SupplyShift here. Learn more > Please contact SISC director Alison Edwards at aedwards@stewardshipindex.org with questions, &/ or request a demo from SupplyShift here.